Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year One and All - See the BCS

 Monday, 7 January 2013 
 at 8:30 pm...The BCS Title Game
 will be shown in its entirety at
 Game ON! 


 Food & Drink Specials.   

 Be Here!  You know you want to.

 Do not deny yourself!

Have a Safe and Happy New Year
Eat, Drink and Be Merry at
Game ON!


Thursday, December 27, 2012

END OF THE AGE New Years Eve Party

End OF the age

     New Years Eve Party

Come On,
 Bring Friends,
  Bring Lovers,
   Bring Some Others
Game ON!

DNC for Jimmy

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas To All and Good Will to all Souls

To All...A Merry Christmas 

and A Happy New Year

This is from Game On, Family, Friends & Staff.  Our sentiments and heartfelt greetings for the holidays.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Sunday All-Day Football with Carol Lee

You decorated the house
You decorated the tree
You’ve done your shopping


Relax at Game ON!

DNC for Jimmy

Roc & Robin Reggae Sunday

You know you want to party. 
You know you want to get loose. 
You know want to release and let your insides decompress.
Its Christmas time, its Reggae time, so you know what you have to do…

Be here!

Reggae ~ Dancehall ~ Ska


Friday, December 21, 2012

End Of The World Christmas Party

End Of The World Christmas Party

Yes, It’s the last day of the world as we know it.  Congress is driving us all over a cliff, the Knicks are a winning basketball team and the Mayans have put a time stamp on existence. 

So why the hell not come out and party with us tonight!

Food, fun, friends, music, merry making and so much more!
Since the world is gonna end today you best get out and get your groove on.   

And if the world doesn’t end you will live to nurse a hangover at the very most.

Live for Today!

Come to Game On Tonight!

My Favorite Music Group…..KILLCODE will express the sentiment of the season in ways I cannot. 

See You All At The Party


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Holiday Time at Game On

From Jimmy, the Bartenders and Staff at
Game On,  we wish you all a safe 
and Happy Holiday Season.

During this Holiday Season Game On will be presenting specials and other acts of good will toward our customers, neighbors and friends.

We will be having events on Sunday and Monday Nights during the NFL Playoffs.

Note:  Monday before last, I did not put out wings as I usually do because I got preoccupied and did not communicate to the staff.

I am a man and I make mistakes...ask my wife.  There will be much fun and many surprises for all of you.

   Come out to Game on!


Posted by DNC at Jimmy's Request

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Monday Night Football with Robin week 11

Monday, December 3, 2012

Be Here to see RG3 and the Skins take on the Giants.

Free Wings or other things

go to  and 'like us'


Monday, November 26, 2012

Disaster Relief Concert at Game ON!

This concert is going to be at Game ON!
bring friends and family to enjoy an
evening of good music while helping
our fellow friends, family and neighbors
in this season of hardship.

Thank You All


Game On Monday Night Football week 10 with Robin

Game ON!
Monday, November 26, 2012

Free Wings, Cold Beer. Be Here!


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Relief Drive

Hurricane Sandy Relief Drive

We know the devastation. We have heard the terrible accounts from our closest friends and family of the destruction of Hurricane Sandy.   The grief in the faces of our family and friends who have seen the things that they have worked and strived for all their lives ‘gone’ in a matter of minutes was heart wrenching.  I have a personal story too.

I picked my brother up from Brookdale Hospital in Brooklyn Sunday afternoon the 28th of October.  He insisted on staying in his Far Rockaway apartment to make sure the pumps work in his basement apartment.  I took his wife and his dog to his daughter’s house.  He insisted on staying behind to tend to his apartment and look after his cats.

The police came and knocked on his door at around 11:15pm and told him “get the fuck out”, you see he lived in evacuation zone ‘A’ just yards from the beach.  It took him a day to get back to his apartment after the storm.  My brother could not get in because the water was at the first floor of the house he was living in.  Several days later when the door was opened the bodies of the cats came floating out.  The smell was horrific.

There are numerous other personal stories and accounts.  Eric and Corky lost everything.  They came in to Game ON and were glad to be somewhere warm and to be in the company of friends.  They were glad to be alive, just glad they still had each other.  The pained expressions and the post traumatic stress is now setting in with all who have suffered and are still suffering.

It’s easy to see scars on arms, legs hands or missing limbs, it is not so easy to see the scalded souls of those still living in broken cold homes, without electricity, without heat, staying in a place that is now reduced to the reality of a third world existence.  Many in homes passed down from one generation to the next.  

Men, women and children, shivering in the cold of a broken world that was their piece of the American Dream, now become their Long Island nightmare.
All souls who have endured and still enduring have but one question…what now?
On Friday, November 16th, Game ON is having a relief drive for the survivors of Hurricane Sandy and the Nor’easter that compounded the bad situation, making it worse.  

We as friends, family and fellow survivors are coming together to bring the following items for the personal relief and sustenance of our fellow Long Islanders, these are the things we are gathering:

Blankets, canned goods, hygiene items and products (soap, toothbrush, feminine products), coats, backpacks, socks, shoes, underclothes, shirts, pants, t-shirts, lingerie, gloves and winter clothing of all types.  

These items will be distributed to those in need!  Remember, there but for the grace of God, this bitterness could have been yours…so help any way you can.

A concert is also being planned for later this month.  Details will be posted soon.

Thank You and God Bless Us All!

DNC for Jimmy

Friday, November 9, 2012

An Informal Toast to Veterans

Game ON!  is proud to sponsor 
An Informal Toast to Veterans 
on Sunday Night 11-11-12 and
An Very  Informal Toast to the 
United States Marine Corps on Saturday 
11-10-12 at around 8:00 pm.

The Marine Corps Birthday is 11-10-12

Veterans attending the toast are asked to bring some form of Veterans I.D. so you can be given appropriate recognition by the Proprietor and Staff at Game ON!

Acknowledge the real Heroes in your world!  Bring a Veteran and join in.  

This event is open to the public and everyone who loves America and the Americans that have made this Country free.


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sunday Football for November 2012

Game ON!

Carol Lee is on Right Now!

If you need to be somewhere and have nowhere to go ....


Thank You!

Thank You!

To All The Customer, Patrons, Friends and Family of Game On.....

I on behalf of all the Bartenders, Staff and family thank you for your endurance as we got up and running and staying with us when we had no electricity. 

We are happy and very glad that you are our friends and that you go out of your way to be here when you could be somewhere else.

You are the greatest.

I love you all.


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sunday All Day Football

Game ON!
be here.

Halloween Party 1 with Jessie

Well, it was a Saturday Night crowd with many regulars and friends of Jessie. 

Although the crowds kind of lingered in and out until about midnight, everybody enjoyed my (Jimmy’s) treats; pulled pork, smashed potatoes with mac & cheese.

But after midnight some of the ladies showed up dressed in 1920’s costumes and looked pretty good.

Though some people came and went pretty quickly (Freddy Kruger didn’t get much love) and even though the Mask had to leave due to being thoroughly partied out.


Most of the late evening was dominated by folks who were kind of edgy about their costumes (yeah, the guys were looking at ladies looking good).

  Of course I wanted photos of my happy clientele as they danced the night away.

Most of the women were quite hesitant about photos being taken but I made it clear it was for the Game On Web site and Game On facebook pages.  After that the boyfriends and husbands had no problem with pictures but the reception after two or three shots was still cold. 

(I kind of got the feeling the ladies in the crowd got their cue’s from the bartender).

Nevertheless it was a pretty good turn out.  I was quite happy but a little disappointed Dave did not stay around to take more shots but then he didn’t get much cooperation.
But, all in all, a good time had by everybody.

Thank you all, see you next week.


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Halloween Parties? Really....

Game ON!

Hey, Game ON! is having two Halloween Parties... Really!

Apparently one on Friday, 2 November 2012 hosted by Chrissy  and a Saturday Night Party on 27 October hosted by Jessie.  

Hey, twice the opportunity to have fun and get totally disguised as your alter-ego.

Lots of fun, music, dancing and good times to be had at Game ON! both
Friday & Saturday Night.

Don't be left out!

Be Here or Else! 

(You know Halloween would suck anywhere else)


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Free Cold Beer is Back! 'Like Us'

Well It’s Back 
Popular Demand
That’s right….An ICE COLD BEER!     FREE!!!

All you need to do is “Like Us” on the Game ONValley Stream, NY Facebook Page 

Or comment  on the Free Cold Beer is Back Blog entry (click on comments at the bottom of this page) or the Monday Night Football blog entry at

If you leave a comment on the blog leave your First name and First  initial  of  your Last name so we can verify who you are.  (We need to do this to hand you a cold beer…free)

On Monday Nights its free hot wings for everyone while they last!

So why sit at home and shout at your favorite sports team by yourself?  

Do this!  Game On!  Good for Sunday and Monday Nights for the rest of October and all of November.

(Limit is one beer)
